Cabinet Member for
Housing and Communities
Steve Good in his roles as Cabinet Member responsible for Housing & Homelessness, Environment and Communities at WODC
By having high level and powerful contacts Steve tries his best to deliver homes for everyone. Saying "Everyone Deserves a Home"
Steve Good has been in politics since 2006. Twice elected by his peers to be their Conservative Group Chairman.
Then promoted to the post of WODC Cabinet Member in May 2018, with a mixed portfolio including many responsibilities which can be seen as highly challenging, yet rewarding.
Also Member of the important Development Control and Lowlands Planning Committee Steve is heavily involved in the Planning Process. Steve is a Member of Full Council
Steve is also Vice Chair of the Licensing Committee (All Licensed Premises
& Events across West Oxfordshire) and all Taxi & School Bus licensing, Animal and all other licensing and enforcement.
Steve Good served three years years as an Independent Shareholder Non-Executive Director at Cottsway Housing Association owning and operating a mix of circa 5,000 homes including houses, flats, bungalows with a value of circa £500,000,000. We also deliver shared ownership and full market value builds too.
This particular scheme was built by Cottsway and is in Falkland Close, Burford. It is a £2.3m scheme of nine houses and six flats of which thirteen are affordable and two for shared ownership.
I have considerable interest in all types of property development but especially in Green, MMC and Modular developments.
Calling on my experience as Non-Exec Board Member at the Cottsway Housing Association, with some 6,000+ properites. These days I act as a Consult Adviser to various companies and individuals who are keen to tap into my wide experience.
With 50 years experienced as a hands on entrepreneur across a range of business activities and charities, Steve has considerable experience at Director/CEO/Board level and also acting as a dynamic leader for change in company rescue scenarios and start-ups.
His special focus is on Environment enhancing and rapidly evolving MMC (Modern Methods of Construction) including related education, training, technology combined with Town and Country Planning.
Steve Good continues to provide business advice at board level (Non Executive Director) and hopes to continue to do so for many years. Today Steve is particularly interested in aiding sustainable growth and job creation in both the commercial and third sector where he is available for Non-Executive / Advisory roles.
Ongoing Commercial Interests include as Founder of Good For Business Group including :
Good Developments (Team working to deliver property development and planning solutions specialising in Marine, Leisure, Residential and Retail )
Good 4 Business (Multi disciplinary business advice and planning)